
Alpha Youth Series: Episode 2 | Jesus: Who is He?

Alpha Youth Series (S1 E2)

Alpha Youth Series: Episode 2 | Jesus: Who is He?

The Alpha Youth Series is a brand new interactive series exploring life, faith and meaning. Reimagined for today's youth culture, each episode looks at a different question around faith and is designed to create conversation. What is Alpha? Alpha is a series of interactive sessions exploring the Christian faith. It runs all around the globe, and everyone's welcome. Alphas generally have three key things in common: food, a talk (where you can play an episode of the Alpha Youth Series) and good conversation. Register your course on Alpha Builder: https://alpha.org/run to access the rest of the episodes in the series and get everything you need to #RunAlpha. If you would like to find an Alpha near you, visit https://alpha.org/global and find the country you're in.

Alpha Youth Series: Episode 2 | Jesus: Who is He?, Alpha Youth Series: Episode 2, Alpha Youth Series: Jesus: Who is He?, Jesus: Who is He?, VertiZontal Life, Student, Youth Ministry, Discover Jesus, Discover Faith
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